The Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena is a nonprofit, private legal entity with registered office and operational headquarters in Siena. The founding members include the Ministry of Universities and Research, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

The Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena is a nonprofit, private legal entity with registered office and operational headquarters in Siena. The founding members include the Ministry of Universities and Research, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy.

The President

Marco Montorsi
Appointed by the Board by a majority vote of its members, the President is selected from among the members of the Board, as nominated on the motion of the Minister of health and the Minister of Universities and Research.
The President shall be the legal representative of the foundation, shall preside over the Board, shall be responsible for institutional and public relations of the foundation, and shall promote educational and dissemination activities on the economic and social impact of the scientific research carried out by the foundation. The President oversees the activities of the foundation, as well as the general coordination of internal control functions (internal audit, compliance, risk management).
The board of Directors
The Board shall be constituted by five members, including the President, and shall be appointed by decree of the Prime Minister. It carries out general strategic direction for the foundation, as well as overseeing the activities conducted. The Board, on the motion of the Scientific Technical Committee, manages the process of scientific evaluation of the activities carried out by the foundation, and approves the programmatic plan for multi-year scientific activity. For the pandemic hub functions carried out through the CNAP, the Board approves the programmatic plan for multi-year scientific activity with the objectives of the strategic policy document.

Giuliano Rizzardini

Giorgio Parisi

Annalisa Santucci

Massimo Miscusi
General Director

Gianluca Polifrone
The General Director is appointed by the Board based on the proposal of the Minister of Health, in consultation with the Minister of Universities and Research, the Minister of Economy and Finance, and the Minister of Enterprises and Made in Italy.
The General Director shall be responsible for the management of the Foundation and the enactment of its decisions. The General Director shall be accountable for achieving the assigned objectives, implementing the necessary actions and measures to reach these goals, and exercising related spending powers. The General Director shall be responsible for executing the strategies and resolutions of the Board, overseeing the financial, technical, and administrative management of the Foundation, including personnel organization and management. The General Director shall allocate human, material, and financial resources across the Foundation's departments, handle legal matters and disputes, assume the role of employer, and have a duty to inform the Board about the overall management progress.
Scientific Director
Chief Scientific Officer

Rino Rappuoli
Appointed by the Board based on the proposal of the Minister of Health.
The Scientific Director shall be responsible for coordinating and managing the scientific departments and for executing the Foundation’s scientific programs, as well as implementing the strategies and resolutions of the Board related to scientific planning. The management of the CNAP shall be assigned to the Scientific Director, who shall be responsible for implementing the multi-year programmatic plan of the CNAP's activities. This includes issuing all necessary measures not explicitly assigned to other Foundation organs and ensuring the achievement of the results from the CNAP’s activities.
Scientific Technical Committee
The Scientific Technical Committee shall exercise advisory and proposal functions with respect to the Foundation’s initiatives, shall maintain constant updating of the Plan of Scientific Activities as a section of the Multi-year Programmatic Plan in relation to the development of knowledge, and shall express opinions on the coordination and operation of scientific facilities and the execution of scientific and technical programs. The Scientific Technical Committee, on the joint motion of the Scientific Director and the General Director, shall provide a reasoned opinion on the multi-year program plan for CNAP's activities and shall offer specific feedback on the alignment of associated expenditure plans.
The Scientific Technical Committee is appointed by the Board, of which the Scientific Director is an ex officio member.

Appointed by the Ministry of
Enterprise and Made in Italy
Appointed by the
Ministry of Health
Appointed by the Ministry
of Universities and Research
Appointed by the Ministry
of Universities and Research
Appointed by Ministry
of Universities and Research
Appointed by the Ministry
of Health
Appointed by the Ministry
of Enterprise and Made in Italy
Appointed by the Ministry
of Health
Appointed by Ministry
of Universities and Research
For the exercise of the pandemic hub functions, the Scientific Technical Committee shall be supplemented by ex officio members:
Dott.ssa Mara Campitiello
Head of the Department of Prevention, Research and Health Emergencies Ministry of Health
Deputy of the General Director of Research, Ministry of Health
Anna Teresa
Deputy of the President of the
Italian “Istituto Superiore di Sanità”
Robert Giovanni
General Director of the Italian
Drug Agency – AIFA
Graziano Lardo
General Director of Research and Innovation in Health Care of the Ministry of Health
Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors expresses its opinion on the annual budget and its revisions, as well as on the Foundation's financial statements. The Board of Auditors shall attend the meetings of the Board of Directors; it shall immediately inform the Board of Directors and the other bodies of the Foundation of all acts or facts it becomes aware of in the performance of its duties that may constitute management irregularities or violation of rules governing the Foundation activities.

President, appointed by the Ministry
of Economy and Finance
Appointed by the Ministry
of Enterprise and Made in Italy
appointed by the Ministry of Health
and by the Ministry of Universities
and Research
Magistrate of the Corte dei Conti
Magistrate of the Corte dei Conti
delegated to control.