Director, Technical Development - CNAP_7_24
Fixed Term
Full time
Publication date:
20 Dicembre 2024

Fixed Term
Full time
Publication date:
20 Dicembre 2024
Disclaimer: Please note that this is a courtesy translation without any legal value
Article 1 (Position)
- A public notice of selection, based on qualifications and interview, is hereby published for the recruitment of 1 Director, Technical Development Area.
- The selected candidate will report directly to the Scientific Director and be responsible for overseeing the development of biotechnology processes and products, including vaccines and monoclonal antibodies as medical countermeasures, with the goal of ensuring process scalability, optimizing product yields, and reducing costs.
- Specifically, the resource will:
- Define and implement technology transfer strategies in line with the Foundation's organizational priorities.
- Support the Legal, Compliance and Privacy Area in the protection and enhancement of generated intellectual property;
- Oversee the development of the manufacturing process up to the production and release of cGMP batches for clinical use whether carried out in-house or outsourced to a third party company
- Define the quality strategy and the development of the related system.
Art. 2 (contract details)
The candidate will be hired under a fixed-term employment contract (until 31.12.2026) as Dirigente, CCNL Dirigente Industria, with work location in Siena.
Article 3 (minimum requirements for admission).
1) Applicants must meet the following requirements for admission to the selection process:
A) General Requirements
- Italian citizenship, EU citizenship or, if without, being eligible for residence in Italy;
- Full enjoyment of civil and political rights;
- Not having criminal convictions and not having pending criminal proceedings that prevent, pursuant to the relevant provisions in force, the establishment or maintenance of an employment relationship with a public administration given the nature of FBS as a Foundation supervised by the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy;
- Be at least eighteen years old and not retired yet;
- Not applicability of causes of incompatibility and non-conferability referred to in Legislative Decree No. 39/2013 as amended and supplemented with the position that is the subject of the Notice or conditions of conflict of interest, even potential, with respect to the activity of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena.
B) Specific requirements
- Hold a 4 years' degree in science or engineering-related disciplines;
- Have at least 3 years of experience in the private sector or in public entities operating in the health, pharmaceutical and research sectors in the development of pharmaceutical processes and products;
- Proven managerial experience of at least 3 years in managing complex teams.
- Fluent English.
2) Applicants holding a degree obtained abroad must indicate the reference numbers by which said degree held was recognized as equivalent to the corresponding Italian degree required by this selection notice;
3) Experience means employment, research projects, collaborations, consultancy and internships;
4) Admission requirements must be possessed on the date of the deadline for submitting job applications and maintained until actual employment.
Art. 4 (preferential qualifications)
- Ph.D. degree or equivalent qualification in science or engineering-related disciplines;
- Proven knowledge of the international network of preclinical and clinical materials manufacturing, as explained in the curriculum vitae.
- Track-record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals in the area of expertise;
- Experience in the field of infectious diseases and vaccinology research.
- Experience in defining technology transfer strategies;
- Experience in managing GMP batch production activities including outsourcing;
- Experience in preparing and implementing quality policies and related processes;
Experience is defined as employment, research projects, collaborations, consultancy and internships.
Article 5 (submission of job applications - deadlines and procedures)
1) The application must be submitted, under penalty of exclusion, exclusively through the dedicated platform (hereinafter “Platform”) available at the following link:
2) On the home page of the Platform the candidates will have access to the Candidate Guide via the command “Consult the Candidate Guide” and will be able to consult the FAQs for detailed guidance on the proper submission of the application. To submit their application, the candidate, once they have registered their profile and logged in via Credentials, will have to open the “application” section, fill in the fields provided and attach what is required.
3) The application should be signed in accordance with and for the purposes of Presidential Decree 445/2000 regarding the formalization of the statements contained therein and attached in the platform in the appropriate section complete with all pages and all required attachments, under penalty of exclusion.
4) The application process can be considered properly concluded only and exclusively after the receipt by e-mail of the notice of completed Application and the related receipt within which the Candidate Code (number preceded by the abbreviation COD) and the protocol number (corresponding to the number of the application) are indicated.
5) Within their reserved area, in the “Communications” section, the candidates may ask questions or queries not answered in the Candidate Guide.
6) Response to incoming requests will be provided on weekdays only; all communications received during the period of suspension of the communications service (from 24/12/2024 to 06/01/2025) will be handled on the immediately following days according to the order of receipt of messages.
7) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena and the appointed provider Adecco S.p.A. (the Company), which will be in charge of receiving the applications and carrying out the selection process, assume no responsibility regarding the non-receipt of applications for any reason attributable to third parties, fortuitous events and force majeure. Submission of the application also implies acceptance of all the provisions of this notice.
8) Once the deadline for submission of the application has expired, the system will no longer allow access and no changes, in any form, of applications already submitted will be allowed.
9) Personal data will be processed by the Company Adecco S.p.A. as Responsible pursuant to and for the purposes of the Privacy regulations in force. The Information pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679.
10) The application can be done from 20/12/2024 until 4:00 pm on 28/02/2025.
11) Applicants should attach the following documentation in the platform:
- A copy of the curriculum vitae with authorization to process data in accordance with Italian and European data protection regulations;
- A motivational cover letter to supplement the information contained in the curriculum vitae;
- A double-sided copy of a valid identity document.
12) The regularity and completeness of the documentation are required under penalty of exclusion.
13) The submission of the application is completely and exclusively at risk of the candidate, understanding that Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena is exonerated from any responsibility, including that deriving from force majeure, if the application is not received by the peremptory deadline indicated above.
14) The statements made in the application to participate in the selection process have the value of declarations in lieu of certification or declarations in lieu of affidavits pursuant to articles 46 and 47 of Presidential Decree no. 445/2000. The participant makes the declarations in the awareness that in case of false declarations he/she will be punished according to the penal code and special laws on the subject as provided for in Article 76 of Presidential Decree No. 445/2000.
15) For information, please contact an email write to
Article 6 (Inadmissibility of applications and grounds for exclusion)
1) Applications submitted by means other than those specified in Article 5 shall not be considered.
2) Applicants who do not meet one or more of the minimum requirements indicated in Article 3 of this notice shall be excluded from the selection process.
3) The Foundation may order the exclusion of candidates at any time during the selection procedure if it is established that they do not meet the minimum requirements for admission.
Article 7 (evaluation procedures and evaluation committee)
1) As stated in the article 4 of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena's regulation on the personnel recruitment and management, the recruitment of employees, both fixed-term and permanent, is carried out through comparative selective procedures aimed at ascertaining, according to meritocratic principles, the qualifications, ability and aptitudes required for the type of professional profiles sought.
2) The selection will be carried out with the support of an external Company specialized in personnel selection (Adecco Italia spa).
3) The Company proceeds preliminarily to verify the completeness and formal regularity of the applications and subsequently to screen the applications received and the attached documentation in order to verify the possession of the requirements and qualifications indicated in articles 3 and 4 of this notice.
4) The candidates who meet the requirements will be Invited to an interview aimed at identifying a shortlist. During the interview, the knowledge and experience described in the candidate's Curriculum Vitae will be explored.
5) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena will appoint an Evaluation Committee, to which the final shortlist of candidates will be submitted. The final shortlist of candidates will be administered a psycho-aptitude test, for the evaluation of soft skills. Afterwards, the Commission will conduct a technical and motivational interview with the aim of assessing knowledge and skills requested by the position.
6) For the evaluation of applications, the Evaluation Committee will have a total of 25 points, distributed as follows:
- 10 points for the evaluation of the qualifications referred to in Article 4, distributed as follows:
- Ph.D. degree or equivalent qualification in science or engineering disciplines: 2 POINTS
- Proven knowledge of the international network of preclinical and clinical materials production, as explained in the curriculum vitae: 2 POINTS
- Track-record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals in the area of expertise: 2 POINTS
- Experience in the field of infectious diseases and vaccinology research: 1 POINT
- Experience in defining technology transfer strategies: 1 POINT
- Experience in managing GMP batch production activities including outsourcing: 1 POINT
- Experience in the preparation and implementation of quality policies and related processes: 1 POINT
- 15 points for the interview.
7) The interviews will be held on the dates and at the times that will be notified to the candidates by notice published on the Company's website.
8) Participants must show up with a valid identity document. The results of the evaluation activities will be published on the website of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena.
9) All evaluation activities will be formalized in appropriate minutes.
10) Any candidate who is absent, for any reason or cause, on the established day and time, will lose the right to the interview, and therefore will be excluded from the selection, unless there are objective impediments on the candidate's side that must be communicated to the Foundation in a timely manner and substantiated by appropriate documentation.
Article 8 (Selection outcome)
1) Upon completion of the evaluation activities, the Committee shall draw up a ranking list of candidates on the basis of the overall score assigned at the outcome of the evaluation activities.
2) The candidate who is placed in the first position on the ranking list will be invited to enter into an employment contract with Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena in accordance with the contractual provisions in force at the time of employment.
3) In the event of resignation or forfeiture of the candidate placed in the first position, Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena reserves the right to draw from the ranking list up to and not beyond the second position to fill the position referred to in this notice that has become vacant, within a maximum period of 12 months from the publication of the same.
Art.9 (communications)
Any communication concerning the selection will be made through the website, work with us section. This publication has the value of notification for all purposes.
Art.10 (Processing of personal data)
Data and information relating to candidates are processed in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, “Code on the Protection of Personal Data” and subsequent amendments and supplements.
Art.11 (general provisions)
1) Provision is made for the application of Legislative Decree No. 198 of April 11, 2006, which guarantees equal opportunity between men and women for access to employment.
2) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or revoke, in whole or in part, this notice, reopen or extend the deadline for submitting applications, at its sole discretion and at any time, without the aspirants being able to raise any exceptions, rights or claims of any kind.
3) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena reserves the right and the right to verify the actual possession of the requirements set forth in this notice, as well as the declared qualifications, at any time, even after the selection procedure has taken place. In case of mismatch between what has been declared and what has been ascertained, the declarant will be automatically excluded from the selection procedure and a report will be sent to the Judicial Authority pursuant to Article 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000.