Senior Scientist, Advisor – CNAP_5_24
Publication date:
20 Dicembre 2024
Publication date:
20 Dicembre 2024
Disclaimer: Please note that this is a courtesy translation without any legal value
CUP n. E63B22000020001
CONSIDERING the Council Regulation (EU) 2020/2094 of December 14, 2020, establishing a European Union Recovery Instrument to support the recovery of the economy after the crisis COVID-19;
CONSIDERING the Regulation (EU) 2021/241 of the European Parliament and Council of February 12, 2021, establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF Regulation) with the specific objective of providing Member States with financial support in order to achieve the interim milestones and targets for reforms and investments set out in their recovery and resilience plans;
CONSIDERING the Council Executive Decision 10160/21, July 6, 2021, on the approval of the assessment of Italy's recovery and resilience plan (Session No. 3808, July 13, 2021);
CONSIDERING the Decree-Law No. 59 of May 6, 2021, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 101 of July 1, 2021, on “Urgent Measures Related to the Supplementary Fund for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and Other Urgent Measures for Investment.”
CONSIDERING, especially, the article 1, paragraph 2 letter e) of the Decree-Law No. 59 of 2021.
CONSIDERING the decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of July 15, 2021, adopted in execution of the article 1, paragraph 7, of the aforementioned Decree-Law No. 59 of 2021 and the project sheet “Innovative Health Ecosystem”, under the ownership of the Ministry of Health, provided in Annex 1 of the aforementioned decree, among whose macro-actions of intervention is the creation of an anti-pandemic hub;
CONSIDERING the Decree-Law No. 77 of May 31, 2021, converted, with amendments, by Law No. 108 of July 29, 2021, on “Governance of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and Initial Measures to Strengthen Administrative Structures and Accelerate and Streamline Procedures”;
CONSIDERING the decree of the Minister of Health of April 29, 2022, on the allocation of interventions and sub-interventions of the National Plan for Complementary Investments (PNC), for which the Ministry of Health is identified as the “Proposing Administration”;
CONSIDERING the Law No. 234 of December 30, 2021, entitled “State budget for the financial year 2022 and multi-year budget for the three-year period 2022-2024,” and, in particular, the article 1, paragraphs 945, 946, 947, 948, 949, 950;
CONSIDERING the Bylaws of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena approved by Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers dated May 20, 2024, published on the institutional website of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena and, by notice of publication, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Italy No. 134 of June 10, 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the “Bylaws”), which replace the Bylaws approved by Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers dated July 11, 2022;
CONSIDERING the article 2, paragraph 3 of the aforementioned Bylaws, which states that Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena performs anti-pandemic Hub functions through its own and dedicated articulation called “National Antipandemic Center-CNAP”;
CONSIDERING the Resolution No. 9_2024 of July 3, 2024, by which the Foundation Board approved the regulations for the organization and operation of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena and its CNAP articulation in accordance with article 13, paragraph 2 letter t) of the Bylaws, together with the organizational model and personnel requirements as provided for in article 13, paragraph 2 letter u) of the Bylaws;
CONSIDERING the Resolution No. 10_2024 of July 3, 2024, by which the Foundation Board approved the Regulation on the Recruitment and Personnel Management of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena pursuant to article 13, paragraph 2 letter t) of the Bylaws, which governs the recruitment procedure for personnel of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena and its CNAP articulation;
CONSIDERING the CNAP's need to recruit 1 (one) Senior Scientist, Advisor to support its scientific projects, with special regards to the research studies on influenza viruses and coronaviruses;
CONSIDERING the guidelines of the National Complementary Plan for the Recovery and Resilience to Innovative Health Ecosystem Initiatives that establish the use of the Standard Tables of Unit Costs adopted by Interministerial Decree No. 116 of January 24, 2018 for the reporting of personnel costs in research, development and innovation projects as updated by the MIMIT-MUR Interministerial Decree of January 4, 2024, on simplification in the area of personnel-related costs under ERDF programs 2021-2027;
Art. 1 (Position)
- A public notice of selection, based on qualifications and interviews, is hereby published for the recruitment of 1 (one) Senior Scientist, Advisor.
- The candidate's goal will be to support the Scientific Director in setting up the priority projects in the CNAP, by advising and educating recently hired scientists and technicians, supporting the operational planning of the projects, critically reviewing the scientific merit and the results.
- The Senior scientist will be expected to lead research on pandemic response to influenza and coronaviruses, as well as possibly other viruses with pandemic potential. His/her work should be aimed at bringing innovative new prophylactic and treatment therapies forward.
- He/She will help advise the leadership of FBS and CNAP on pandemic and preparedness policies and strategies, and work with more junior scientists to help guide and shape their work. In addition, the individual selected for this position will assist in the publication of relevant manuscripts and present findings at meetings in Italy and internationally.
Art. 2 (contract details)
The selected candidate will be offered a fixed-term employment contract (6 months), with the qualification of "Quadro" according to the chemical, chemical-pharmaceutical industry CCNL.
The compensation will be calculated according to the CCNL provisions and in compliance with the standard tables of Unit Costs adopted by Interministerial Decree No. 116 of January 24, 2018 for the reporting of personnel costs in research, development and innovation projects as updated by the MIMIT-MUR Interministerial Decree of January 4, 2024, on simplification in the area of personnel-related costs under ERDF programs 2021-2027.
Work location is Siena.
Article 3 (minimum requirements for admission)
1) Applicants must meet the following requirements for admission to the selection process:
A) General Requirements
- Italian citizenship, EU citizenship or, if without, being eligible for residence in Italy;
- Full enjoyment of civil and political rights;
- Not having criminal convictions and not having pending criminal proceedings that prevent, pursuant to the relevant provisions in force, the establishment or maintenance of an employment relationship with a public administration given the nature of FBS as a Foundation supervised by the Ministry of University and Research, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy;
- Be at least eighteen years old and not retired yet;
- Not applicability of causes of incompatibility and non-conferability referred to in Legislative Decree No. 39/2013 as amended and supplemented with the position that is the subject of the Notice or conditions of conflict of interest, even potential, with respect to the activity of the Biotecnopolo Foundation of Siena.
B) Specific requirements
- Medical Doctor with extensive knowledge of immunology and clinical infectious diseases.
- Considerable experience in developing antiviral countermeasures and products for pandemic viruses such as coronaviruses and influenza viruses.
- Knowledge of the regulatory process for vaccines/therapeutic agents.
- Fluent English.
1) Experience means employment, research projects, collaborations, consultancy and internship;
2) Admission requirements must be possessed on the date of the deadline for submitting job applications and maintained until actual employment.
Article 4 (preferential qualifications)
In the evaluation of applications, the following shall constitute preferential qualifications:
- Tenure as Professor at a public or private University in Italy or abroad.
- Proven experience successfully mentoring younger researchers clearly identifiable from the resume.
- Track-record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals in the area of expertise.
Article 5 (submission of job applications - terms and modalities)
1) The job application must be submitted exclusively electronically by filling out the appropriate online form “Apply” accessible on Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena's website, “Work with Us” section, in response to this notice no later than 24:00 hours on 10.01.2025.
2) Interested individuals may submit their application by producing:
- a copy of the curriculum vitae with authorization for data processing according to Italian and European data protection regulations.
- a motivational cover letter to supplement the information contained in the curriculum vitae;
- a copy of a valid identity document.
3) For information, please write an email to:
Article 6 (Inadmissibility of applications and grounds for exclusion)
1) Applications submitted by means other than those specified in Article 5 shall not be considered.
2) Applicants who do not meet one or more of the requirements indicated in Article 3 of this notice shall be excluded from the selection process.
3) The Foundation may order the exclusion of candidates at any time during the selection procedure if it is established that they do not meet the minimum requirements for admission.
4) Any exclusion from the selection procedure will be communicated to the interested party in a timely manner.
Article 7 (Modalities of evaluation and Evaluation Committee)
1) As stated in the article 4 of Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena's regulation on the personnel recruitment and management, the recruitment of employees, both fixed-term and permanent, is carried out through comparative selective procedures aimed at ascertaining, according to meritocratic principles, the professionalism, ability and aptitudes required for the type of professional profiles sought.
2) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena's shall proceed preliminarily to verify the completeness and formal regularity of the applications and subsequently to screen the applications received and the attached documentation in order to verify the possession of the requirements and qualifications indicated in the articles 3 and 4 of this notice.
3) The candidates in possession of the requirements will be invited to a technical-professional and motivational interview before an Evaluation Committee appointed by the President's determination with the objective of assessing knowledge related to the position.
4) For the evaluation of applications, the Evaluation Committee will have a total of 15 points, distributed as follows:
- 5 points for the evaluation of the qualifications referred to in Article 4, distributed as follows:
- Tenure as Professor at a public or private University in Italy or abroad: 2 POINTS;
- Track-record of scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals in the area of expertise: 2 POINTS;
- Proven experience successfully mentoring younger researchers clearly identifiable from the resume: 1 POINT.
- 10 points for the interview.
5) The interviews will be held on the dates and at the times that will be notified to the candidates by appropriate notice.
6) Participants must bring with them a valid identity document. The results of the evaluation activities will be published on Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena website.
7) All evaluation activities will be formalized in appropriate minutes.
8) The candidates who are absent, for any reason or reason, on the established day and time, will lose the right to the interview, and therefore will be excluded from the selection, unless there are objective impediments on the part of the candidate, which must be promptly communicated to the Foundation and substantiated by appropriate documentation.
Article 8 (outcome of selection)
1) Upon completion of the evaluation activities, the Committee shall draw up a ranking list of candidates.
2) The candidate placed at the first position of the ranking list will be invited to enter into an employment contract with Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena in accordance with the contractual provisions in force at the time of employment.
3) In the event of the resignation or forfeiture of the candidate placed at the first position, the Foundation reserves the right to draw from the ranking list up to and not beyond the second position to fill the position referred to in this notice that has become vacant, within a maximum period of 12 months from the publication of the same.
Art.9 (Communications)
Any communication concerning the selection will be made through the website, section works with us. Such publication shall have the value of notification for all purposes.
Art.10 (Processing of personal data)
Data and information on candidates are processed in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, “Code on the Protection of Personal Data,” as amended.
Art.11 (General Provisions)
1) Provision is made for the application of Legislative Decree No. 198 of April 11, 2006, which guarantees equal opportunities between men and women for access to employment.
2) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or revoke, in whole or in part, this notice, reopen or extend the deadline for the submission of applications, at its sole discretion and at any time, without the aspirants being able to raise exceptions, rights or claims of any kind.
3) Fondazione Biotecnopolo di Siena reserves the right and the right to verify the actual possession of the requirements set forth in this notice, as well as the declared qualifications, at any time, even after the selection procedure has taken place. In case of mismatch between what has been declared and what has been ascertained, the declarant will be automatically excluded from the selection procedure and a report will be sent to the Judicial Authority pursuant to Article 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000.